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Woven Ink is an animation and creative studio.

We work with researchers and organisations to share and amplify their work in compelling and beautiful ways.

We strive to connect people and audiences to stories and lived experiences, through hand-made, thoughtfully crafted animations and visuals.

Recent Work

The experiences shared in this animation were based on the real words of people living with Vulval Lichen Sclerosus (VLS); interviewed as part of the 'Living with Vulval Lichen Sclerosus' study at the University of Bristol and University of Warwick, UK, conducted by Dr Sophie Rees.

We wanted to stir the viewer with almost palpable images, that might cause them to feel an element of discomfort in their own bodies – aiming to invoke a feeling of empathy for the pain, discomfort, shame, loss of sexual pleasure and much more experienced by those living with this condition.

Content warning: depictions of vulva and blood, themes of distress, some viewers with VLS (or without) may find this upsetting.

Featured work

Festival Selections & Awards

Winner | Best membership communication | TUC Trade Union Communication Award 2018

Finalist Mental Health Film Prize | WHO | Health for All Film Festival 2020

Winner Research Project of the Year: Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | THE Awards 2021

Who we’ve worked with, and what they’ve said about us